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Luen’s blog: Faith in our future
As CEO, I’m putting my money where my mouth is. I have so much faith in what we do here at Forget Me Not, that I’m prepared to invest my own money in ensuring its future for the growing number of families across West Yorkshire that need our services.
How have I done that? I have completed a codicil to sit alongside my will to leave some money to Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice when I die.
I can’t think of any other type of organisation where the leadership team and so many of our colleagues and supporters would do the same. After all, if you work in a supermarket, a bank, a construction company, the NHS or many many other types of employment, you would never be involved in conversations about directly funding the future of the organisation you have worked in. It says a lot about the charity sector that people do this. And of course, charities rely heavily on legacy-giving to fund their work.
We’re trying to make it as easy as possible for anyone to leave a gift in their will should they wish to. As part of our benefits package, Forget Me Not employees can make their will for free all year round, while we run free wills promotions for our supporters to take advantage of during the year – the next one is in November and it’s free whether you choose to leave a gift to our charity or not.