We’re here for families when they need us the most, providing outstanding care and support that’s built around their needs.
A real home from home
Russell House is a bright, colourful and welcoming place with children’s and family bedrooms, play areas, good food and lots of support.
Support for the whole family
We’re here for the whole family, not just the child. Because when a child has a life-shortening condition or when a family has lost a child, everyone’s affected.
Outstanding tailored care and support
A highly qualified, specialist team led by nurses and therapists providing care that’s rated as ‘outstanding’ by the CQC and tailored to each family’s needs.

We offer a wide range of services from pregnancy to transitioning into adulthood and end-of-life care, plus wraparound support for bereaved families.

Not what you might expect a children’s hospice to be like, Russell House is a real home-from-home where you can expect a warm welcome and all the support you need.

Read the stories of other families who face similar challenges to you and have been supported by Forget Me Not.

Don’t struggle on alone, get in touch today to find out how we could support your child and your family.