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Bereavement support

The death of a child is the worst thing that can happen to a family. But with the right support at the right time, it can be survived – and survived well. 

A stone garden fountain with a statue of a young boy, girl and a dog holding an umbrella at its centre

Taking it one step at a time

Many families find comfort in being able to spend time with their child. So, if it’s possible and you want to, you can stay in our Snowflake Suite, a private apartment for families where they can make special memories with their child and say their last goodbyes. 

And we’ll be right by your side, providing dedicated practical and emotional support in the first few weeks and months, to help you navigate those difficult early days.  

Our support continues with structured bereavement therapy, counselling and access to our support groups. You might also benefit from creative therapy or EMDR. We have specialist support for siblings too. 

How we can help

Saying goodbye

A chance to spend time with your child, making memories

Practical support

We’re on hand to provide whatever practical support you need, like helping arrange the funeral

Here for the whole family

Our bereavement support is for the whole family, including siblings and grandparents.  

Peer group support

Spend time with others who share similar experiences and know what you’re going through 

Remembering your child

We hold regular events at Russell House for bereaved families so they can come together to celebrate their children

Widening support

We can talk to your child’s school or your employer etc so they can be a better support to you

A mum and dad are helping their two daughters to settle onto a large round swing in the garden at Russell House.

Get the support your family needs

We’ve made it easy to find out whether your family is eligible for our care and what support is available to you. And it’s easy to refer your family to us, when you’re ready.

A mum with dark hair and glasses stands in the memory garden at Russell House. She is stood looking at the metal memory tree sculpture and holding a metal heart charm that hangs from it in her hand to read the name on it.

Without Forget Me Not, I don’t think I’d have been able to cope as well as I have. I think I’d be at a different stage of my bereavement. We’re in a better place, I think, because of the help and care we received from the hospice.
