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Pregnancy & birth

Pregnancy and birth are huge events at the best of times, but when there’s a problem things can feel unpredictable and scary. We’ll be right by your side from 16 weeks onwards. 

By your side

We provide dedicated support for families whose baby has been diagnosed with a life-shortening condition or may not survive the pregnancy or birth, from 16 weeks of pregnancy onwards.   

From attending antenatal appointments with you, helping you prepare for what may lie ahead and providing emotional support for you and your family – whatever you need and whenever you need it, we’ll be right by your side.  

How we can help

Understanding & planning

We’re here to help you make sense of what you’ve been told. And we’ll help you start preparing for whatever lies ahead. 

Difficult decisions during pregnancy

Sometimes a scan can reveal a serious problem. We’ll support you whatever you decide about your pregnancy.  

Emotional support

We’ll provide emotional support for you and your family, including children who might be struggling with what’s happening with their unborn sibling.

Celebrating your baby

We can help you to find moments of joy in your pregnancy, to bond with your baby, create precious memories and to feel like a mum or dad.  

If the worst happens

We’re here for your whole family. You’ll be able to spend time with your baby at our hospice and we’ll provide all the practical, emotional and bereavement support you need.  

Pregnancy following baby loss

We also support families who are pregnant again following a previous loss, including through our rainbow bump and rainbow baby peer support groups. 

A mum and dad are helping their two daughters to settle onto a large round swing in the garden at Russell House.

Get the support your family needs

We’ve made it easy to find out whether your family is eligible for our care and what support is available to you. And it’s easy to refer your family to us, when you’re ready.

Before we knew about Forget Me Not, I was scared to give birth. Forget Me Not’s support helped me know what to expect, know that I’d be able to stay with her for a while. After that I felt more in control of the situation and able to enjoy my pregnancy more.
