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Our Shooting Star Appeal takes flight!

Our pioneering perinatal service supports families devastated by the news their unborn baby has a life-shortening condition or whose baby has tragically died shortly before or after birth.

Around 500 families in West Yorkshire will need our support over the next three years – which is why we have launched our Shooting Star Appeal with the aim of raising £1M – the amount we need to be here for those families.

At the launch event at Huddersfield University earlier this month, some of the families we have supported shared their stories and memories with the many dignitaries and guests. Alongside revealing some of the research the university has done on our behalf which details the desperate need there is for support of this kind, we also showed a video of Jacob’s mum and dad talking about their experiences and the help they received from Forget Me Not (you can view that using the link below).

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And at the end of the event, everyone went home with a beautifully decorated Teddy Bear Rocks rock – to hide for someone else to find and that way, keep spreading the word!

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Since then we’ve had lots of really positive feedback, some very generous donations and some great media coverage. Keep an eye out for all the upcoming events and activities and how you can get involved here.