Why not be part of our networking club, for just 99p a day?
Reasons to join
Fulfil your CSR objectives
We know you want to do the right thing for the right reasons. But CSR is also great for PR, customer engagement and helps you win work.
Networking opportunities galore!
To be successful, your business needs to connect with other businesses. Our business club is full of people you’ll want to meet. And who want to meet you.
We're local
Forget Me Not supports children and families across West Yorkshire – and our business club is right here too, with events around the region.
A calendar of distinctive events
Not your average networking group, our business club events feature inspiring and informative speakers in quirky and interesting venues.
It's less than £1 a day
For far less than the cost of your daily coffee, you can be a part of the club for just £30 a month.
It's easy to join
It couldn’t be simpler – just print and complete this direct debit form, send back to us and you’re in!