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Luen’s blog: Introducing our new trailblazing strategy

Since starting at Forget Me Not I have been working on the development of a new strategy. Following a period of rapid growth and consolidation, it was time to review why we exist, who we are, what we do, who we do it for and how we will operate over the next 5 years. 

Getting this right will underpin all of our fundraising because it makes it clear what local people will be investing in and the difference that investment can make. And this is important because the majority of our income will always come from local people. 

Getting this right also ensures our staff and volunteers can connect to our purpose, including those who do not deliver care, enabling them to better work together and become ambassadors for what we do out there in our local community. 

Getting it right will mean we will be recognised for the innovative work we do that sets us apart from the NHS and other children’s hospices, which will help us unlock other sources of income. 

Getting it right will ensure we deliver more value for money from services which are efficient, effective, well led, caring and built around what families really need.

Getting it right will ensure a sustainable future. When you give birth to a child with a life-limiting condition you want to be sure that the services you begin to trust and rely on will still be there when you need them most. To continue to be here for our families, providing the high quality care and support they need for years to come depends on us protecting our future. We are acting now to ensure the next 5 years and beyond is within our control.

To get all of this right we have worked with our staff, trustees, volunteers, supporters and, most importantly, families. We have listened, shaped, re-engaged and changed our thinking in line with a wide range of views from the people who matter most to us. Along the way, this has helped to develop a new culture and ways of working which are already producing better results.

So the strategy is done, but the hard work starts now. Help us implement it by getting involved in our work. Because by trailblazing together, we can continue to be here for families, whenever they need us, whatever their future holds. 

See our new strategy here.